Find your bus ticket

Avenida Morelos Sur 179

Las Palmas Cuernavaca - ,

Zip Code: 62050


01 (777) 312 3055

General Information

The Cuernavaca Bus Station, owned by Estrella de Oro bus company, is a small terminal but features enough amenities to meet the needs of passengers arriving and departing from this location. The bus carriers operating at this station serve the following destinations: Acapulco, Chilpancingo, Córdoba, Oaxaca, Taxco, Mexico City, among others.



The Cuernavaca Bus Station is a small terminal, but its location at an important avenue makes it more easy and fast for passengers to reach it. At the station’s surroundings, there are several services available, including pharmacies, shop, fast food restaurants and convenient stores.


Bear in mind that this terminal does not have ATMs. We advise passengers to foresee their needs and bring in the sum planned for spending during their trip. Travelers may also find RED ATMs at the convenient stores located nearby the station.


The bus terminal has a parking lot reserved only for employees and buses.


For questions, you may call the Customer Service at 01 (777) 312 3055 or ask directly at the bus ticket counter.


Cuernavaca Terminal provides toilet services for men and women.

Taxi and Transport

Cabs and several public transportation options are available in the main avenue where the station is located. You may choose the most convenient alternative to take you to your final destination.

Bus Lines in Bus Station Cuernavaca