Travel to main cities with Autonaves

About Autonaves

Autonaves is a busline belonging to Grupo Vencedor, a company dedicated to providing the maximum comfort and security in its units to guarantee that your trip is an unforgettable experience.

Autonaves offers a First Class service at affordable prices, also has luxury buses in the service Autonaves Gran Confort this has additional amenities within its units, along with Vencedor are the luxury line.

If you are looking for Autonaves tickets to travel through the states of Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo and surrounding cities, you're in the right place, in ClickBus you will find your tickets quickly and securely, compare prices, schedules and services.

Check ourbus lines and travel with ClickBus. Acquire your tickets of Autonaves through our website and in case you have any doubt contact the 01 800 681 1604 where we will gladly to assist you.


The Autonaves busline has a presence in the states of San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, Hidalgo and Queretaro, with stops in the main cities, the smaller towns are covered by their partners lines.

Bus fleet

Autonaves buses offer to their passengers a world-class service, featuring enough amenities to transform their journey into a pleasant and rewarding experience.

All units have speed control to enhance the passengers’ safety, TV monitors located across the vehicle, air conditioner, heater, and toilet, always providing the level of quality that distinguishes Autonaves.

Autonaves en Mexico

Main Bus Stations

Seat types

  • Primera

    46 reclining seats, covered with fabric liner to deliver more comfort. The bus is spacious enough for short trips.

  • Gran Confort

    24 fully reclining flat bed seats, ergonomically designed to bring an unprecedented level of comfortable to help passengers relax. Each row has three seats, arranged in double and single places to add more space. This service also provides individual reading lights and an entertainment system.